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Showing posts with label Web Development. Show all posts

Top Programming Language 2021| JavaScript most popular and best  Programming Language


JavaScript is a scripting or programming language. A scripting language is a lightweight programming language. JavaScript is usually embedded directly into HTML pages. JavaScript is a programming language for the web. JavaScript can update and modify both HTML and CSS. Everyone can use JavaScript without having to buy a license. JavaScript is a text-based programming language used on client and server side. JavaScript is a programming language commonly used in web development. JavaScript is a flexible and powerful programming language that is constantly implemented by various web browsers. JavaScript is used on the front and back end, creating a much smoother infrastructure. The languages ​​used for the front end are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, while the languages ​​used for the backend are Java, Ruby, Python.

JavaScript Features

  • Lightweight scripting programming language
  • Platform Independent
  • Client side validation
  • Dynamic Typing
  • Object Oriented programming support
  • More client in the browser
  • Functional Style

Top 10 Programming Language  2021


Scala programming language. Scala combines object-oriented and functional programming into a comprehensive, high-level language. Static varieties of Scala help. Scala School is a general purpose programming language that provides compliments for both object-oriented programming and functional programming. There is a strong system of kind in language. Designed to be comprehensive, many of Scala's design decisions are intended to address criticism of Java.


 Go is an open source programming language that makes it easy to develop simple, reliable and effective software. Although there is a really flexible language, which is capable of solving many problems. You can use it for system and network programming, big data, machine learning, audio and video editing and much more.


Python is a defined, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic words. Python's straightforward, grammatical emphasis emphasizes the ability to read easily and therefore reduces the cost of maintaining the program. Python supports modules and packages, which encourage program modality and code reuse.


Elm is a domain-related programming language that is designed to create a graphical user interface based on a public web browser. Is. Elm is purely functional, and has been developed with an emphasis on usability, performance and robustness. Elm is an active programming language for building front-end web applications. When it comes to strengthening, it brings out the best in both worlds.


Ruby  is an high level programming language. Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language focused on simplicity and productivity. It has a beautiful syntax that is natural and easy to read. It supports multiple programming patterns, including process, object-oriented and functional programming. Ruby is the language of careful balance.

  • C#

C # (C Sharp) is a programming language developed by Microsoft that runs on it. Net framework. C # is used to develop web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps, games and more. C # is pronounced "C Sharp". It is an object based programming language. C # is a programming language that typically reflects the basic language infrastructure (CLI). 


Kotlin is a general purpose, free, open source, statistically typed "practical" programming language designed primarily for JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and Android that features object-oriented and functional programming. Combines It focuses on interoperability, safety, clarity and tooling support. Kotlin is a cross-platform, statistically typed, general-purpose programming language. Kotlin is designed to completely interfere with Java, and the JVM version of Kotlin's standard library depends on the Java class library, but the type indication allows its syntax to be more comprehensive.


JavaScript is a programming language for the web. JavaScript can update and modify both HTML and CSS. JavaScript can calculate, manipulate and do. JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages - each time a web page does more than just sit and display static information for you to view. Timely content updates, interactive maps, dynamic 2D / 3D graphics, scrolling video joke boxes, displaying. JavaScript is a text-based programming language used on client-side and server-side that lets you create web.

R Language

R language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. This is a GNU project similar to the S language and environment that was developed by John Labor and colleagues at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies). R can be thought of as a different implementation of SK.R is an open source programming language and free software that allows data scientists, data.


Rust has great documentation, user friendly compilation with useful error messages, and top touch tooling - an integrated package manager and build tool, Smart Multi. Rust is a multi-paradigm programming language designed for performance and safety, especially with Safe Coincidence. Rust is artificially similar to C ++, but using a loan checker to verify references can guarantee memory security.



Great First Language - Software is a powerful and intuitive programming language for MacOS, iOS, WatchOS, TVOS and beyond. Writing Swift code is interactive and fun, the syntax is short despite the brevity, and Swift includes advanced features that developers love. The software code is protected by design, yet also develops software that runs on electricity. Software is a general purpose programming language developed using an innovative approach to safety, performance, and software design patterns.


Top Best code editors 2021

Sublime Text Editor

Sublime Text Editor is a sophisticated text editor widely used in the midst of fear. It  has extensive features such as Syntax Highlight Auto Edition type. It's very simple and important.

 Top programming languages which use sublime

C/C ++
if you want to download it click on link Sublime text editor 
sublime code editor

visual studio code

Visual Studio code ships rely on a few display languages ​​with English and other language language pack extensions available from Market Plus. Visual Studio Code is a code editor that has been redesigned and refined to build and debug modern web and cloud applications. Visual Studio Code is free. Visual Studio Code is a freeware source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

 Top programming languages which use visual studio code


Notepad++ a free as well as free speech and deception. Source code editor and notepad replacement that supports trusted languages. Notepad Plus is a test and source code editor for Microsoft Windows use. Allows you to work with multiple open files in one window. Notepad Plus is distributed as free software.

  • Brackets

An innovative open source tax editor who understands web design. Brackets is an innovative text editor with focused visual tools and pre-processor support. Brackets is a source code editor that focuses on web development. Developed by the Adobe system, this is free and open source software. This JavaScript is written in HTML and CSS.

 Top programming languages which use brackets

  • Atom

Atom is a desktop text editor. Check again on your desktop computing device to download a copy. Teletype of the second platform atom. Atom is a free and open source text and source code editor for Mac OS, Linux, and Microsoft Windows, supported by plugins written in JavaScript, and embedded Gut Control, developed by Gut Hub. Atom is a desktop application built using web technologies.

 Top programming languages which use atom