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 What is assembly language?

Assembly language is a low-level programming language intended to communicate directly with computer hardware. Unlike machine language, which consists of binary and hexadecimal characters, assembly languages ​​are made readable by humans.

what is assembly language

What is assembly language in simple words?

Assembly language is a programming language that can be used to tell a computer directly what to do. Assembly language is almost like machine code that a computer can understand except that it uses words instead of numbers.


What is assembly in coding?

Computer programming is an assembly runtime unit that includes evening and other resources. All types of assembly have the same version number. Often an assembly has only one name space and it is used through a program. But it is spread over the places of the names. Also, the place of one name can be spread in several assemblies.

Why is assembly language useful?

Assembly language helps programmers to write human readable code which is like a machine. Machine language is difficult to understand and read because it is just a series of numbers. Assembly languages ​​help give the computer complete control over what they are doing.


Find the following steps to print Hello World in videos.

1.    Open Notepad

2.    Write under the code


global _main

extern _printf

section .text


Push message

call  _printf

add  esp,4



db ‘Hello, World!’, 10,0

3.    Save file with example XYZ.asm The extension should be ".asm".

4.    The above file needs to be compiled with the help of a collector which is NASM (deposited in the network).

5.    Run the win32 XYZ.asm NASM-n command.

6.    Since then, NASM has created an object file that contains machine code but not executable code which is XYZ.obj.

7.    To create a workable file for Windows, at least GNU is provided which provides GCC configuration.

8.    Run the GCC Xo XYZ.exe XYZ.obj command.

9.    Executable file now follows "XYZ".

10.   It will display the output as "Hello, World".

What are the types of assembly language?

Types of Assembly Language

Assembly language is closely linked to processor architecture. There are at least four main types:

CISC: Complex Interaction Set Computer

RISC: Reduced Interaction Set Computer

DSP: Digital Signal Processor

VLIW: Very Long Instruction Word

What is the use of assembly language?

Today the assembly is primarily used to directly access the instructions of a special hardware manipulator, or to solve important performance issues. Commonly used are device drivers, low-level embedded systems, and real-time systems.

what is assembly language

What are the advantages of assembly language?

  • This allows complex jobs to run smoothly.
  • These memories are efficient because they require less memory.
  • It speeds up because it has less implementation time.
  • Less guidance is needed to achieve this result.
  • It is used for critical jobs.
  • Memory locations do not need to be monitored.
  • This is a low level embedded system. 

What are the disadvantages of assembly language?

  • Below are its disadvantages:
  • Writing the same code takes a lot of time and effort.
  • It is very complex and difficult to understand.
  • Syntax is hard to remember.
  • It lacks program portability between different computer architectures.
  • Longer programs written in assembly language require more computer size or memory to run.










What is natural language processing(NLP) and its phases and uses

what is natural language processing(NLP)

What is Natural language processing(NLP)?

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand the language spoken and written. It is called natural language. This project is part of Artificial Intelligence AI.

The NLP has existed for over fifty years and has its roots in the field of linguistics. It has a wide range of real-world application mindsets in a variety of fields, including medical research, search engine and business intelligence.

NLP stands for Natural Language Processing which is part of Computer Science Human Language and Artificial Intelligence. This is the same technology used by machines to manipulate, interpret and interpret human languages. This allows developers to organize organized knowledge to perform tasks such as translation, automated summaries, identity identification (NER), speech recognition, relationship extraction, and title differentiation.

Natural Language Processing (N LP) Artificial Intelligence is a branch of AI that enables human language to be understood by machines. Combines the power of NLP, linguistics, and computer science for intelligent systems (machine learning and NLP algorithms) capable of studying the theory and structure of language and understanding and analyzing meaning from text and speech.

what are step/phases natural language processing

What are Steps/Phases of Natural Language Processing in AI?

There are the following five Steps/Phases of NLP:

  1.           Morphological and Lexical Analysis
  2.           Syntactic Analysis
  3.           Semantic analysis.                
  4.      Discourse Integration.               
  5.      Pragmatic Analysis

1.   Morphological and Lexical Analysis

Lexical analysis-This includes identifying and analyzing word structure. A dictionary of a language means a collection of words and phrases in a language. Lexical analysis divides the whole text into paragraphs, sentences and words.

2.   Syntactic Analysis

Syntactic Analysis (parsing)-This involves analyzing the words in a grammar sentence and arranging the words in a way that shows the relationship between the words. The English syntactic analyzer rejected the phrase "school goes to the boy".

3.   Semantic Analysis

Semantic Analysis - It extracts the exact meaning from the text or the meaning of the dictionary. The text has been checked for meaning. Task is done by mapping artificial structures and objects. Cement analysts ignore phrases like "hot ice cream".

4.   Discourse Integration

Discourse Integration - The meaning of any sentence depends on the meaning of the before sentence. In addition, it immediately brings meaning to successful sentences.

5.   Pragmatic Analysis

Practical Analysis - In the meantime, what was said is re-interpreted to mean what it really meant. It involves deriving those aspects of the language that require real-world knowledge.

What are the uses of Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

Top 10 applications of natural language processing

  •  Introduction: Natural language processing is one of the hottest topics in data    science
  • Complete automatically and self
  • Language Translator
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Chat Bots
  • Target Advertising
  • Jobs and Recruitment
  • Voice Assistants
  • Grammar Checkers


What are the advantages of natural language processing(NLP)?

  •       Perform large-scale analysis
  •       Get a more objective and accurate analysis
  •       Smooth processes and reduce costs
  •       Improve customer satisfaction
  •       Better understand your market
  •       Empower your employees   
  •       Gain real practical insights     

What are the disadvantages of natural language processing(NLP)?

  • Complex Query Language - The system may not be able to answer the question correctly if the word is incorrect or ambiguous.
  • This system is designed for a specific and specific purpose only. They are unable to adapt to new domains and worries due to limited functions.
  • The NLP system lacks a user interface that lacks features that allow users to interact more with the system.

what is natural language processing(NLP)


Important Functions of Keyboard

Important Functions of Keyboard

Function of F1 on keyboard

The function keys or keys are placed at the top of the keyboard and labeled 1 through F12. These keys act as shortcuts to perform certain tasks, such as saving files, printing data, or refreshing a page. For example, F1 key often uses the help key as the default in many programs.

In almost any program for any operating system, the F1 key also acts as a help key. In Microsoft Windows, pressing F1 with Windows key will open the Microsoft Windows Help and Support screen.


Function of F2 on Keyboard

The F2 key is a function key that is found at the top of almost all computer keyboards. Key is often used in Microsoft Windows to rename highlighted files or icons.

Function of F3 on Keyboard

The F3 key is a function key that is found at the top of almost all computer keyboards. Keys are often used to open the search or search features of a program or operating system.

F3 key is used in various programs to open search. F3 key used in conjunction with Shift Case in Microsoft Word can change the entire volume for the entire document. It has the ability to greatly benefit the text as well as convert all large letters into lower case letters.

Function of F4 on Keyboard

The F4 key is a function key that is found at the top of almost all computer keyboards. The key to closing open windows and taping is often done with the F4 key depending on the computer and program. There are other uses in terms of computer and program as mentioned below. F4 is pressed simultaneously with the Alt key as in Alt + F4, it closes the active program. If you press Ctrl + F4 in a web browser, it also closes the existing browser tab.

Function of F5 on Keyboard

F5 Pressing F5 in all modern internet browsers will reload or refresh the document window or page. Ctrl+F5 force the web page to refresh completely. It cleans cache and re-downloads all the contents of page.

Function of F6 on Keyboard

The F6 key is a function key that is found at the top of almost all computer keyboards. F6 is often used to move the head by texting in the address bar in internet browsers.

The F6 button on the laptop can change the size of the laptop, change the existing display or put the laptop to sleep. In most laptops you need to hold down the Fn button to activate the secondary function of the function button.

Function of F7 on Keyboard

F7 is commonly used for Microsoft programs such as document documentation and programmer checking. Such as Microsoft Word out link etc. Shift + F7 run the highlighted word source check.

Function of F8 on Keyboard

The F8 key window is used to enter the Start menu. Usually used to access Windows Safe Mode. Used by some computers to access the window extension system But it may require a window installation CD.

Function of F9 on Keyboard

The F9 key is a function key that is found at the top of almost all computer keyboards. The F9 is short for OK, which is sometimes used in chat communications as well. The key is often used to open the Apple Computer Control Mission computer keyboard shortcut.

At the same time, using Fn key loses mission control over MacOS X on an Apple computer. In Windows it activates the menu bar of an open application With MacOS 10.3 or later, displays all open windows for active programs.

Function of F10 on Keyboard

The F10 is a function key that is found at the top of almost all computer keyboards. Computer keyboard shortcut is often used to activate the menu bar or ribbon of open window applications.

F10 is a key that is used in many programs to activate the menu bar. The F10 can be used to highlight menu preferences first, and then use the arrow keys to move around the menu. Shift + F10 are equivalent to right-clicking on a prominent icon, file, or Internet link.

Function of F11 on Keyboard

F11 key allows you to enable full screen mode in your browser. Pressing it again will take you back to the standard view with the menu bar. In Microsoft Excel, you can use Shift Key with F11 key to quickly create a new spreadsheet in a new tab.

Function of F12 on Keyboard

Opens a document in Ctrl+F12. Shift + F12 save as Microsoft Word document (such as Ctrl + S). Ctrl + Shift + F12 print a document in Microsoft Word.

F12, the ultimate function key, is mostly used in Microsoft Office. If you want to save the original issue of your document workers to a different name or location, tap F12 to bring up the save dialog. Ctrl+F12 will start an open dialog with the file.

Important Functions of Keyboard


Top 5 Technology Trends to Follow in 2021

A digital revolution is taking place all over the world. Innovation, Chishti and market development are all accelerated through technological advances.

Covid-19 has accelerated digitization and automation that allows companies to be flexible even in difficult times. Creating the technology that puts a lot of business together and modifying your business models.

The effects of the epidemic will be felt for a long time and the digital transition will continue. Mistakes are hard to overcome if business trends are not maintained. Advanced technology will change the way we live and work, opening up huge opportunities for business around the world.

Let's take a look at some technological advances so everyone knows what to look for and what to adopt.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence has come a long way in the last decade. Yet it is one of the foremost advances in emerging technology Because of the effects it has on our survival, work and play, from the very beginning.

AI is now known for its presence in image and speech recognition ride sharing apps, Mobile Personal Assistant navigation and various other applications.

In addition, artificial intelligence is required to investigate conversations in order to enforce a preconceived notion. And review by allocating issues and asking for real-time facility to identify different patterns along with.

One of the reasons machine learning, AI are used in subset industries is to increase the market for skilled workers.

2. 5G and better connectivity

Faster and more stable Internet means more than just loading pages faster and spending less time waiting for YouTube videos to load. Since 3G, every advancement in mobile communication has opened up new avenues of internet usage.

As bandwidth expanded, 3G enabled online access and data-driven services on mobile devices. 4G has added streaming video and music players to the nation. And 5G will increase it as much as possible.

5G refers to networks that use the latest technology, including advanced technology and virtual reality

They threaten that cable and fiber networks are obsolete because they need to be sent to a specific location.

In short, all other trends are allowed in the fifth and other high-speed networks the ones we've discussed are allowed access at anytime, anywhere.

Complex machine learning applications that require access to reality from book data sources can be automated and run in the field.


3. Edge Computing

Edge computer technology that ensures work delay and high speed data. Edge computing allows computers to perform close to data storage systems which improves application performance.

Cloud platforms can serve as a catalyst for the adoption of high bandwidth costs Edge Computing.

The goal of this technology is to minimize the cloud and move it to places like the user's computer or Edge server.

Eliminating the distance between data and calculations eliminates the long-distance communication between server and client, which speeds up the process.

Edge computing is therefore used to handle time-stored data stored in remote areas with minimal access to the central location. Take advantage of cloud computing and IOT and application technology.


4. Internet of Things (IOT)

If you have ever heard of the Internet, you need to know if IOT deals with is the Internet behavior.

The Internet of Things involves the use of data and insights to influence behavior. The Internet of Things is an example of a large-scale database. With the help of business will follow the behavior of consumers.

Businesses will follow the customer's lead with the help of IOT and use IOT to the benefit of their respective channels. For example, your health-conscious physical activity routine is related to information about sleep and other habits.

This information can be used to encourage further behavioral improvements such as health planning.


5. Quantum Computing

Quantum computing, a type of computing that uses the power of quantum phenomena such as superposition and quantum engagement, is the next notable technology trend.

Due to its ability to quickly question, track, interpret and act on data, regardless of any source, this incredible technological phenomenon has prevented the spread of the corona virus and developed potential vaccines Including me.

 Quantum computing is now being used in banking and finance to track credit risk, conduct high frequency trading, and detect fraud. Quantum computers are now many times faster than traditional computers, including computers from well-known companies.



What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability to control computer through a computer robot that humans normally perform because they need human intelligence and breadth. Although there is no AI that a normal person can perform different tasks, but AIs can meet humans in a match.

How AI works in simple words?

Artificial Intelligence AI involves the use of a computer to perform tasks that require human intelligence. This means creating an eye algorithm to draw ranking analysis and predictions from the data. It includes not following the statistics but learning from the statistics and the best over time. You need data to implement AI.

What is AI for example?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that advances the development of intelligence machines to think and act like humans. For example, speech recognition, problem solving, learning and planning.

What is artificial intelligence (AI) and how does it work?

Artificial intelligence Use machinery to mimic human intelligence. The computer has to learn how to answer certain tasks, so it uses history and data to create something which is called a Proprietary model. The preaching model will then start predicting things like score leads or something else.

Why is it called artificial intelligence (AI)?

It is believed that human intelligence is real intelligence. Man is the creator of machines and gives them the ability to make decisions. That's why artificial intelligence got its name.

Why artificial intelligence (AI) is needed?

Makes every process better, faster and more accurate. It also has some very important applications. Speed ​​up and correct predictions on fraudulent AI transactions related to fraud and automate modern data management methods. Artificial intelligence has improved the current practice of industries and applications and also helps to solve problems that do not occur manually.

What is the use of artificial intelligence?

  • Online shopping and advertising
  • Web search
  • Digital personal assistants
  • Machine translation
  • Smart homes, city and infrastructure
  • Cars
  • Cyber ​​security
  • Intelligence plan against Covid-19
  • Health
  • Transport
  • Combating misinformation
  • Manufacturing

What are the Advantages of artificial intelligence?

  • Capacity building the biggest advantage of AS systems is that they make humans more efficient.
  • Better workflow
  • Low human error rates
  • In-depth data analysis
  • Making more informed decisions
  • Using AI to make life a little easier

 Is Pakistani society ready for foreign tourists?

Of course Pakistan is a beautiful country and the hearts of the people here are also very big but is the heart ready to welcome the Farangis now?

Pakistan safe country for tourism

Rosie Gabriel from Canada in Baluchistan (AFP)

The present government is doing a lot to promote tourism in Pakistan. In 2019, e-visa facilitation was provided to 175 countries under the e-Visa scheme. Besides, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir areas were also opened for tourists.

At the same time, some famous tourists also visited Pakistan, including the United States tourists Drew Bansky and Mark Vance. Both the tourists described the good publicity of their time and Pakistan as the safest country for tourists but are Pakistan just as safe for tourists?

In fact, the tours of Drew Bansky and Mark Vance were pre-planned, also from them and their sponsors and hosts. He was provided with all the facilities during his tour. Pakistan is very safe for such tourists but what about those who are white for us but are ordinary people in their own country. Such tourists make money all year round and head to some country for a holiday at the end of the year. When these tourists come to Pakistan, there is no one to welcome them here. They have to plan their own trap as they do in any other country in the world. They have to be careful while trapping in Pakistan. They can't get up early in the morning and go to Anarkali Bazaar and Ichhra Bazaar in the evening. One can only imagine what would happen to them if they left.


Pakistan is a safe country

According to news reports, interesting competitions of Pakistan International Snow Boarding cup are going on in Malam Jabba area of ​​Swat. 

In which domestic and foreign athletes are taking part while a large number of tourists are watching the competition. Domestic and foreign athletes show off their art at a snowboarding cup event organized by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Culture and Tourism Authority. A total of 48 athletes from Europe, Belgium and Afghanistan are competing, including four women. Foreign players who arrived in Malam Jabba to participate in the snowboarding card termed Pakistan as a safe country for tourist and said that foreign tourists could come to Pakistan easily. Foreign players said that Malam Jabba naturally has a slope of international standard in Swat. For example, the Department of Sports may participate in or compete in the Olympics.